Who is | Andrzej Sebastian Duda

Andrzej Sebastian Duda is a Polish government official and additionally the 6th President of Poland, holding the workplace since 6 August 2015. Prior to his residency as President, Duda was an individual from Polish Lower House (Sejm) from 2011 to 2014 and the European Parliament from 2014 to 2015. 
Duda was the presidential possibility for the conservative Law and Justice party, amid the 2015 presidential race in May 2015. In the first round of voting, Duda got 5,179,092 votes – 34.76% of substantial votes. In the second round of voting, Duda got 51.55% of the vote, beating the occupant president Bronisław Komorowski, who got 48.45% of the vote. On 26 May 2015, Duda surrendered his gathering enrollment as the president-elect. 

Early life 
Duda was conceived in Kraków, to Janina Milewska and Jan Tadeusz Duda, teachers at the AGH University of Science and Technology. His granddad battled in the Polish– Soviet War and later as an individual from the Home Army amid the Second World War. 

Duda went to Jan III Sobieski High School, Kraków.He in this way considered law at the Jagiellonian University. In October 2001 he was designated as an aide (holding M.A.) in the Administrative Law Department of Jagiellonian University. In January 2005, Duda additionally got a PhD degree in law at the Jagiellonian University Due to his political profession, he has been generally on unpaid leave (from the college) since September 2006, with the exception of a 13-month interim start in September 2010, when he came back to the college. 

Duda started his political vocation with the now-old Freedom Union Party in the mid 2000s. After the parliamentary decisions in 2005, he started his joint effort with the Law and Justice Party (PiS).From 2006 to 2007, Andrzej Duda was an undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Justice. At that point, from 2007 to 2008, Duda was an individual from the Polish State Tribunal. 

From 2008 to 2010, amid the administration of Lech Kaczyński, Duda was an undersecretary of state in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland. In 2010, he was an unsuccessful possibility to end up the Mayor of Kraków as a PiS candidate,but was more fruitful in the 2011 parliamentary decision, where he got 79,981 votes in favor of the Kraków region, and therefore progressed toward becoming individual from the Sejm. 

In September 2013, the news magazine Polityka lauded Duda for being a standout amongst the most dynamic individuals from parliament, at the time, portraying him as being available to restriction contentions and as avoiding individual assaults, as a major aspect of his part at the Commission for Constitutional Responsibility. Duda remained an individual from the Sejm until the point when he was chosen to the European Parliament in 2014. 
The five-year term of Andrzej Duda started on August 6, 2015 with taking a vow of office amid a National Assembly session. 

Duda rejected the European Union's proposition of transient portions to redistribute refuge searchers, saying: "I won't consent to a direct of the solid. I won't back an Europe where the monetary favorable position of the span of a populace will be motivation to drive arrangements on different nations paying little mind to their national advantages". 

In the end previous Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz pronounced that Poland, as an outflow of "European solidarity", would take in 2,000 individuals throughout the following two years, chiefly from Syria and Eritrea (out of 3,700 initially asked). 

Duda and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović were the originators of the Three Seas Initiative. 

His endorsement evaluations are high – In September 2017, his endorsement rating remained at 71% and in February 2018, at 72%. A record outperformed just by Aleksander Kwaśniewski from 1995 to 2005, whose endorsement evaluations outperformed 75%. 

Individual life 

Duda is hitched to Agata Kornhauser, an instructor of German at Jan III Sobieski High School in Kraków. They hosted met at a get-together while as yet going to equal schools and have been hitched since 21 December 1994. Together they have one little girl, Kinga, conceived in 1995, now likewise examining law. His dad in-law is Julian Kornhauser, an outstanding author, interpreter and scholarly commentator of Jewish drop. 

He is a sharp skier and keeping in mind that examining took part in the Polish Academic Championships in the Alpine skiing class. 

Duda is a sincere Catholic, and the Church is critical to him. He partook in religious services on numerous events, including Midnight Mass, the gift of nourishment on Holy Saturday, or the Corpus Christi parade in Kraków.

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