"Don't touch me ,hands off,leave me alone" she yelled to the boy. The boy angrily left there. Everything were nice until they were carried.Actually she is really precious for him.He has really been loving her.
The girl has crying. Because of that she can't accept that he is a murderer.She was shocked and worried when she heard that the boy killed someone. He had killed 3 person! But still he said that he loved her. She thought that how could a murderer loved a human.
The boy has been walking. The weather was raining.And the mud which on the way was polliting his clothes when he was walking. Finally he went to work. When he arrived,his boss was waiting him. "Why did you late?" he scolded him. 

Then every workers started to scream.And a worker who was escaping yelled "That was worried."

The girl left to the house when she was thinking that she must avoided him.He was completely beast.
The boy was fired.He was sacked.Because of that he had got the cement which at the corner and he dumped it on the bosses foots and pee on him!
Then he waited until his foots freezed.The boss can't cope with him.His foots was looking like a brick.He seemed nasty! The boss yelled him "Go away,go away,what kind of beast you are!"

To be continued..

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